Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Seagull Sculptures

Did you guess? Our seagull sculptures are now finished and in the garden outside our new Pohutukawa Centre building. The Seagulls are made of polycell foam and netting. They are attached to long poles and their wings flap gently in the breeze.


  1. Tessa Keenan ( Theo's big sister! )August 18, 2010 at 7:33 PM

    Awesome sculptures room 4!

  2. hello my friend! warm greeting ^^!
    your blog looks nice 0_0

    by the way,
    if you need to find unique typography, you can go to our website.

    best regards;

  3. I love our new garden sculpture room 4. You are very clever artists. I am looking forward to the summer term so they can be out in the garden again. From Miss Hepworth
