Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Science Week

This week is Science Week and we have been busy learning to be scientists at school.

We are learning to observe carefully using our five senses - looking, listening, smelling, tasting and feeling.
We are beginning to use drawing and writing to record our observations.
We are learning to measure carefully.
We are thinking deeply about what we have observed.
We are wondering and asking questions about what we have observed.

Our school was very lucky to have several adult scientists volunteer to take workshops for students in their areas of expertise.

We buddied up with children from other classrooms and chose two workshops of interest.
The junior children studied:
  • Observation Skills
  • NZ Birds
  • Anatomy
  • Astronomy
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Science
  • Experiments.
We all had an exciting day and learned lots of skills!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Magic Science Show Comes To Oakura

Elephant Toothpaste
I loved the Science Show because the elephant toothpaste burst out of the bottle.                                Jonty

It was cool because he stuck a pencil on his hand and he made elephant toothpaste and it boomed up on to the table. Then he made rockets. They boomed up on to the roof. There were three rockets. Then he made toilet paper fly. Then he gave Mrs McKay some frozen pretend baby wee.                           William C
The magic that happens in a babies nappy.

 Catching your breath.


We went to a Magic Show in the Pohutukawa Centre .The whole class was there.The toilet paper burst up to the roof. It was fun in the P.C. The scientist swallowed a red ball.       

Wowee! The man made a rocket burst on the roof. I was excited.                         Bella

It was exciting because the scientist swallowed a ball.                                                 Brody