Friday, October 28, 2011

Hawaiin Petroglyphs

Last term, we were learning about Petroglyphs of Hawaii. The word petroglyph comes from a Greek word which means 'stone carving'. Petroglyphic art is the ancient art of carving pictures and symbols into rock. The oldest Hawaiian petroglyphs date back to AD 983. Petroglyphs help Historians (people who find out about the past) to form ideas about the early people of Hawaii. The pictures portray sailing canoes, different animals, important ceremonies, and different figures. We had a go at drawing some of them and decided to use these for this years calendar art. You can have a look at the calendar art in Room 4. Oscar was lucky enough to go to Hawaii during the holidays and saw some real Petroglyphs. You can see the photos he took above as well as some of Room 4's art work.